This is a state of the art tool for capturing anything in your computer screen - text, fonts, images, etc. A very easy to use tool and also a very useful one if you have forgotten some of your passwords.
Aqua Deskperience enables you to capture text that is impossible to copy with the traditional copy and paste method. For example, you will be able to copy error messages, the text in buttons or in documents that are locked or protected, so that you will not need to type every word saving you a lot of time.
You can also identify the font it has been used in a text, its color, and every possible feature. At the same time, you can also translate the text selected, check the spelling of a word, or do a Google search just by using the right combination of keys.
Another important feature is the possibility to capture any part of your screen. This is usually done by pressing two or three keys on your keyboard - with this tool you just have to select the area you want to capture and you will be able to save it in any format, in any part of your PC, or send it via e-mail to share with someone else. This feature also allows you to pick one of the colors in the image and see its information.
Finally, if you forget some of your passwords, Aqua has a password revealer tool which accurately shows you the passwords hidden under the asterisks. It works with most Windows applications and with online hidden passwords too, like, for instance, those that open your e-mail account in Yahoo! or Google.